Friday, February 24, 2012

He's Really Coming!!!

It's starting to dawn on me that before I know it, Poppy Seed really will be here! A few signs show that he is coming soon in no particular order.

1. The last two nights I had dreams about being in the hospital with him. In my dream he was quite red still, but had very light blonde hair (like daddy when he was little) and blue eyes (we both had blue eyes as babies--mine turned green later). His face was scrunched up and squinty like being born had been a somewhat exhausting and irritable experience for him. I'm excited to see if my dream version of him is similar to the way he really looks!

2. A couple of friends whose due dates are not much earlier than mine had their babies. This means I will have my baby too!

3. Chris and I attended our last Bradley Method class together. Supposedly we are ready to have a baby now. :-P

4. I did our pre-registration paperwork for the hospital today and called about breast pump rental.Now that is something that makes the whole thing much more real!

5. I've started a list of the things that I still need to get in order to be prepared for his arrival (at least in the physical sense).

6. Braxton Hicks Contractions have started. One moment my tummy is fine. The next it feels extremely tight and as hard as a table. I've noticed they seem to happen when I'm especially worn out or overdoing it. I think it's my body's way of saying to slow down.

7. I am increasingly uncomfortable, but actually am in less pain regarding my dislocated ribs. This could mean that he is moving down or that I have just gotten used to feeling like I'm being impaled.

8. People just assume I'm pregnant. Strangers comment on my pregnancy. Apparently my physical stature makes pregnancy assumption safe at this point.

9. My belly button is holding on strong, but looks awfully funny. I think it may pop soon.

10. I am waking up about 4 times during the night because I am either uncomfortable or need to use the restroom.

11. I am more tired than usual. I often find I'm ready for bed when I come home from work.

12. I have varicose veins. (Though at this point I still have little if any stretchmarks! Knock on wood.)

13. I have picked out what Poppy will wear home from the hospital. Thanks to uncle Michael for providing Poppy's first "going out" clothes. He will be dressed in an olive green Baby Gap onesie with a small brown teddy bear embroidered on it. He will wear brown pants to match and a brown teddy bear cap that was given to him at his baby shower.

14. I bought post-partum care supplies.Enough said.

15. I picked out a pediatrician. 

16. My normal winter coat barely zips over my tummy now. Also, my adjustable maternity pants are now on the largest setting. :-/

17. I read up on introducing your pet to your baby. I've been playing youtube videos of babies squaking for my dog today. Unfortunately, she's not interested--she looks at me funny then walks away. At least there is no aggression?

 18. I am a BabiesRUs rewards points member.

19. I can't clip or paint my toes anymore. Also, putting on my socks is an aerobic workout.

20. Baby Poppy has daycare lined up for the end of August. We're taking him to in-home daycare with the same provider Dannika had before she went to pre-school. Even though I know it will be hard, there is a lot of peace in my heart about taking him someplace we know and trust.

Yup! As long as this process may seem, I think he's really coming!


  1. Bethany,
    I've enjoyed reading your posts and am excited for you! I hope everything goes well for you! :)
