Monday, December 26, 2011

Poppy's (Very Cozy) First Christmas

This has been a magical week to be pregnant.

Last week I went to the doctor and found out that Poppy is doing well. He is no longer breech, he is sideways (baby steps, right?), his heartbeat is strong, I'm 25 weeks, I've gained 16 pounds and only one light stretch mark, and all of my lab work looks good. He's been in the Christmas spirit recently, kicking and punching up a storm. I love it when I can feel his whole body move inside me and his head makes the whole side of my tummy do the wave. He always seems to do this when daddy or grandma aren't around to feel him do it, but for now, I'm enjoying it. I tell ya--this kid is either shy or a pain in the neck--one or the other.

This Christmas, most of the gifts Chris and I received were technically for Poppy. My parents gave us a crib set for our nursery (option 1, for those of you who commented during the poll and were wondering), some baby pajamas, and an Applebees giftcard so we can get take-out when my rib is really bothering me. My brother also got a couple outfits from Baby Gap for the little tyke. He'll be quite the stylin' baby!

Chris and I have been spending a lot lately getting the nursery ready, by way of making the downstairs a sort of playroom/family room/office combo since our office is now Poppy's bedroom. I received a beautiful wood bookshelf and Chris got a TV stand and television to aid in the transition, which we decided were our Christmas presents to each other. Nevertheless, neither of us could resist giving each other "a little something". We haven't opened all of our presents yet, because the other "baby" in our family visited her mom over the Christmas holiday. All I can say is, my favorite Poppy-related gift hasn't been opened by Chris yet, but I can't wait to give it to him! I also got Dannika a baby boy doll (right now all she has are girl dollies) and a book about being a big sister for Christmas. I figure we can play mommy together. After all, I'm sure that's how I'll feel at first--like I'm pretending to be a mom to a baby. I don't remember when I stopped feeling like I was playing school during my first year of teaching, but it took a long time and occasionally I still do feel as though I'm in the "Land of Make Believe". Strangely, I kind of felt like Dannika's stepmomma long before Chris and I got married. That must be a special case!

The other fun part of being pregnant over the holidays are the reactions of family members who are seeing you noticeably pregnant for the first time. A few of my favorite comments over the weekend were:

"Oh! Look at your little belly! It's so cute!" - Stephanie, Chris's cousin, after putting her hand where Poppy's head would be.

"Are you sure you want them to play together? I mean, look at what happens to Beth when THOSE two play!" - Randy, my father-in-law, after others insisted that I join in the game of Kings that Chris was playing in at the dining room table

"Ya see? Now that's what happens when someone pokes fun at ya and you take it to seriously!" - "Chub", Chris's great uncle, pointing at my stomach and commenting on my pregnancy. I believe this comment made for the funniest and most inappropriate reaction to my pregnancy of all time. It even beat out the lady at HyVee who sold me my box of pregnancy tests last summer. "Hmmm. Darlin', is this a good thing or a bad thing that you buyin' these here tests?"

Well, no matter. Poppy and I love the attention.

For whatever reason, I cannot upload pictures to my blog right now. Check back later for some pictures of Poppy's loot!

Merry Christmas, 

Poppy and Mama



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