Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sir Poppington

It's been way too long since I last blogged. I probably would have written more except for most of the news surrounding my pregnancy has been regarding one of three things:

1. My ribs and back are killing me because of Poppy's crazy rib-dislocating antics. I will go on maternity leave early (beginning of March rather than beginning of April) because of this special problem.

2. The medicines and therapy I've been prescribed for the ribs scare me (sometimes necessarily and sometimes when they shouldn't). Doctors and midwives don't agree about anything when it comes to pregnancy things other than common sense. I've been having a hard time knowing what to believe since everyone (doctors, midwives, physical therapists) seems to want to treat the problem differently. Also, everyone agrees there's little that CAN be done and that's not a very helpful thing to have them all agree upon. An interesting piece of news I gained today at the doctor's office may make it slightly easier to stick to my plan of a natural, Bradley Method birth, however. Apparently an epidural will make my rib and back pain worse. There's an extra incentive to try and get my money's worth out of this Bradley class! :-)

3. I love my son too much to name him. No name seems suitable for such a special little guy. Everything is too common, too unique, too traditional, too old-fashioned, too weird, too ethnic, too bland, too young, etc. Whenever Chris and I get close to naming our little guy there seems to be a roadblock in front of our decision. I'm praying for inspiration . . . or perhaps some friends and family members that love our name ideas so much they convince us of one to settle on!

Here is some other news however. . . 

I bought a crib! Not by choice, necessarily. Chris and I were going to use Dannika's crib to save money, but found out it had been recalled. Although oak is not what I would have originally chosen, oak is the color of the wood dresser I bought Poppy  to go with Dannika's old oak crib, so oak is what I had to buy. Neverthless I think Poppy's new crib is cute and will go perfectly with his "Man's Best Friend" puppy dog decor. :-) It also converts into a toddler bed, daybed, and full size bed. So his crib and dresser will take him from infancy through college. This bargain-shoppin' momma was pretty happy about that!!
  Another piece of news is that I love going shopping for baby clothes. I have been trying not to buy too much since my baby shower is on Saturday. Plus, ya never know how big the baby will be and how fast he will grow once he's born. Still, here are a few items I just couldn't resist!

Exhibit A: Man of Few Words 
My husband is one of the quietest people I know, which makes this especially adorable and ironic. After showing Poppy's daddy this onesie, he agreed that we had to have it.

Exhibit B: Newbie
I bought this one with my husband in mind as well. Chris is also a computer systems analyst, and a MMORPG computer game enthusiast. This was my favorite thing I gave Chris for Christmas this year. I stuffed it in his stocking. He loved it. :-) I'm also on the waiting list for the onesie from that reads "There's a nap for that" playing off of the iPhone's tagline "There's an app for that." I'm very excited to turn our son into an even bigger nerd than his parents as soon as possible. Infancy seems like a good place to start.

Old news, but news nevertheless--Dannika is going to make a wonderful big sister to our son. Every morning when it's time for me to go to work, rather than hugging me she hugs my tummy, kisses it, and tells her baby brother goodbye. At night time when we say our prayers she often wants to pray that God will watch over Poppy. She's forever asking about setting up new things in the baby's room and wants to make a piece of art  to frame and hang on his bedroom wall for him. It is so sweet to see her love and care for him so much already. It seems the baby books we've been reading to her have been helping. I'm praying that her feelings of affection last and that we will have as little sibling rivalry as possible. I think she'll be a big help, although I wouldn't trust her to name her little brother, even though she'd like to help us with that a lot. So far her ideas have consisted of Cael, Rudolph, Bubba, Balloon, and Dane. In my opinion, Cael is the only name we'd even consider, though I do find it cute. Bubba, Rudolph, and Balloon on the other hand . . .well . . . um. . .  I told her maybe we could get fishies for those names. Wink wink. 

I think that is all for now. Hopefully I will have energy to blog again at some point during the week. And if not, peace to you just the same. :-)


Poppy's Mama

1 comment:

  1. Regarding #3 above, I'm pretty sure you've already gotten more input from me than you ever desired! :-P

