Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wild Man!! (Or Woman)

Holy smokes! I went to my ultrasound today and I feel sorry for my baby's teachers already. The first time I saw my baby he was doing somersaults and flailing his arms in my womb. (S)he looked like a raver! Hyperactive a little?

To top it off, Poppy is also stubborn. (S)he likes to snuggle and is tucked away in a corner. (S)he wouldn't come out. They had me laugh, cough, and move to get Poppy to reposition, but (s)he would just hop up in a tizzy then settle back down into the same spot.

At least (s)he is a snuggler.

Ultrasound confirmed that I am 11 weeks 5 days today.  Because Poppy was so active and squirmy it was hard to get him/her to hold still for a good shot, but here is my first glimpse of my BABY!

 Pretty neat, huh?

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Glad you got to see Poppy. I love the name by the way :) I read you blog about the mommy to Danika and it will be hard to be a mom to two yet alone a new mom. It will be hard a first but get better. Its hard with over 6 years between the girls but you will manage. I know I neglect Taylor's need for attention because I need to take care of Hadley's need for survival. You will make the best decision for them because it will be done out of love.
