Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dannika: Big Sister!

Chris and I told Dannika that she was going to be a big sister last week. To prepare her for this, we checked out some books at the library to read to her about what babies are like, what she can expect, and even the very basics of how babies are made.  After reading some of these books to her throughout the week, we told her at dinner on Thursday that she was going to be a big sister and that there is a baby in my tummy.  We told her that the baby is only the size of a lemon right now, but by the time it’s ready to come out it will be as big as one of her dolls. The questions that followed were quite interesting.

“There is a baby in your tummy? Right now?”
“Where is the baby.”
I put her hand on my tummy. “About right there.”
“How come your tummy isn’t big?”
“The baby isn’t very big yet. It has to stay in there for a long time to get big.”
“The baby can’t eat on its own, so I have to eat for the baby. My food goes through the umbilical cord to the baby so the baby can eat.  Every time I eat some of my food goes to the baby and that helps the baby get bigger. Just like when you eat it helps you get bigger.”
“I was in my mommy’s tummy too.”
“Yes you were. And your mommy had to eat so you could get food too when you were a baby.”
“Yeah, but I don’t have an umbillicon cord anymore. I have a belly button!” (Dannika pronounces umbilical “umbillicon”)
“Can daddies have babies?”
“No. Daddies can’t have babies in their tummy. Only the mommy can do that part. But daddies help make the baby, so it’s his baby too.”
“Where did you and daddy make the baby?”

Monday, Dinnertime
“Bethy? Is the baby still in your tummy?”
“Is the baby getting some of your food right now?”
“Yep. Every time I take a bite, some food goes to the baby.” I put some casserole in my mouth.
“Do it again!”
“Do what again?”
“Feed the baby again!”
I take another bite. Dannika smiles.
“Feed it again!”

Of course, it has also come up that we do not know if Dannika is going to have a baby brother or a baby sister. When asked if she would like a baby brother or a sister her answer has always been:

“I want a baby sister.”
“Well, we may not get to choose a sister. You might have a brother instead. We’ll love whatever God gives us.”
“Yeah, but I want a sister.”
“That would be fun. But I’m sure we’ll love a baby brother too.”
Dannika makes a face.  Silence.

There are many more stories of Dannika’s inquiries about her sibling, but I am running out of time.  Perhaps there will be a second entry later. 


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