Monday, March 5, 2012

Excitement and Food

Okay, I'm going to admit something a little strange here.

I measure how close I am to major life milestones by the expiration dates on food when I go grocery shopping. It's like a "now beginning excitement" date.

This time last year I was really pumped because it was within a few days of this time that I was able to buy milk that had an expiration date that would occur after my wedding. It was finally March, so it was possible to buy food that would go bad AFTER I became Mrs. H.

Well, Monday is normally my grocery shopping day. I went grocery shopping and bought some orange juice that had the date APRIL 13th on it. Although my due date according to my LMP and my ultrasounds is April 8th, the due date my midwife is going with is the date of April 12th  because of the school of thought that firstborns actually take 41 weeks and 1 day for gestation. But either way, I am within food expiration date time of my due date! I have orange juice that won't go bad until after my baby is supposed to be born. This is exciting to me.

Okay. I'm done being a dork for now.

No wait. That's incorrect. I'm done being a dork publicly for now. My apologies to Chris and Dannika.


Poppy's Mama

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