Monday, June 18, 2012


Every so often Aidric has a frustrating couple of days where he needs to be held almost constantly. The past couple of days have been that way.  Granted, he got his two month shots yesterday and the doctor warned me that he might be fussy. But it’s when nothing outside of the ordinary is going on that these episodes are especially confusing.
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE holding my son. While he may be small on the growth charts, in my opinion he’s in the 99th percentiles for cuteness and snuggling ability. He’s wonderful.
But. . . sometimes I need some time to myself too.  To go to the bathroom without the sound of crying in the background because (heaven forbid) I put him in his swing or in his playpen. To take a shower. To make a hot meal AND eat it without interruption. But there’s no real way to explain that to Aidric. He doesn’t understand. He just wants a hug from his mom.
I got to thinking about this, and in this way, many adults aren’t much different from babies. After a hard day—whether we can explain why we feel the way we do or not—we just need a hug from someone we love. Sometimes our favorite foods, or advice, or a few kind words won’t do. Sometimes we just want to be held by someone who loves us.  And I love him very, very much.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma loves him too! Hand him over when you need a break!
