Friday, November 25, 2011

My Son

Dear Poppy,
     I am sorry I haven’t written you in awhile. My blog acted up and then I lost an entry. . . not to mention not much has happened within the past few weeks—besides you dislocating a couple of my ribs!
     On Tuesday I found out that you are going to be a BOY. I have a little experience with girls since I already have a stepdaughter and I was a girl, but I don’t know much about raising boys yet. Don’t worry though. I’m going to work really hard at it. I’ve been asking lots of moms for advice and I picked up a book called “Raising Boys” from Barnes and Noble on Wednesday. I’ve already made good headway in it. I know I can’t learn everything there is to learn about raising you from conversations and books, but I am going to try my best. I hope you’ll be patient with me.
     I also hope you’ll be patient with the fact that we haven’t figured out a name for you yet. Had you been a girl, you would have been named Anneliese Rebekah Heath.  But naming a boy seems to be harder than naming a girl for us. We want you to be unique, but strong. We don’t want to give you an original name that’s going to turn you into a weirdo or a pansy. You’re our little hero. You deserve a noble name.
     Now that I know that you are a boy, I have some expectations for you. I know you won’t be able to live up to all of these at first  or maybe even ever, but I thought maybe if I gave you some advanced notice and let you know how we intend on raising you that you will have a better idea of what is coming for you in your future.  Of course, we will love you no matter what.

Here are some hopes that I have for you as my son:
1.    1.    Be respectful. I hope you grow to respect your father and me, your sister, and all of your other family members. I hope you grow to respect women and become a wonderful husband to your wife someday. I hope you respect all of the different types of people you will meet (even though they are different from you). I want you to respect animals, the earth, the arts, and new ideas. I want you to have an open and loving mind. This isn’t always easy, especially since stubbornness runs in your genes, but I’m going to try and help you.
2.      2.  Work hard. Your father and I believe in hard work and determination. Never give up. Don’t listen to someone who tells you to either.  Sometimes you won’t see the fruits of your labor for a long time, but if you believe in what you are doing you have to keep going.
3.     3.  Try new things. At least sometimes. It’ll help you grow as a person.
4.   4.     Find out what it is that makes you happy and run with it.
5.     5.   Be strong enough to talk to God. So many men think it’s weak or naïve to talk with God, but it’s not. Having faith takes determination and strength. When your father and I fail you, you can always look to your father in heaven.  Don’t be afraid to do so.

Love you,

P.S. This is your bicep. I can already tell you're going to be a STRONG man!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable entry and sonogram picture! Since it seems unlikely we are going to have a boy I will now give you permission, if you see fit, to use 'my' boys name: Gideon. I hope you aren't too worried about having a boy Bethany, as I am certain you could raise nothing but a little gentleman.
